Do you want to work at the Coast Guard?

The Coastguard often needs good and motivated personnel, both as coastguards, but also in support functions and with staff. The Coast Guard also offers interns the opportunity to do an internship within this dynamic organization.

The slogan of the Coast Guard is Strong Together! The core values ​​of our staff are the cement between the building blocks of the Coast Guard organisation. Our core values ​​are:

  • We are honest, professional and involved;
  • We act transparently, independently and without regard to persons;
  • We respect and enforce the Law and in principle act in a de-escalating manner.

Do you want to register for BOK ​​and would you like to join our team? Click the red button below and register now!



Are you looking for an exciting and challenging job that is never boring? Do you like being out on the water and do you find it important that the countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Caribbean are safe and clean? In that case, a job as a coastguard is something for you. Continue reading about what the Coastguard Basic Training entails, what you will do after and what the admission requirements are. You can sign up for the training at the bottom of this page.


Your Coastguard Basic Training (BOK) is a one-year course. You learn everything you need to be able to work at the Coastguard, after which you will work at our Metal Sharks and Cutters, our fast and modern ships. The course takes place in Curacao and will be completed with a Coastguard certificate of competence and an acknowledged SBO-2 level BAVPOL (An Extraordinary Police Officer) diploma.


What do you do during the course? You will follow theoretical and practical modules, under which two internships. You will learn everything you need to work safely, skilled, and fit. The first part of the BOK consists of mental and physical training. Team building and social skills are important components in this. Furthermore, you will learn about important rules. The program will be very intensive in the first four weeks; you work in the evenings and weekends too. In the following period you will attend the following subjects:

Theoretical and practical competencies in investigative duties.
Theory customs official for coastguard personnel
First aid
Nautical skills
Shooting, self-defense, and sport
Boarding classes (on board of vessels for monitoring)

Part of the BOK course is The Extraordinary Police Officer (BAVPOL) course.

Your temporary contract starts

If you successfully complete your basic training, you will get a temporary contract as an official for a duration of a maximum of seven years, with a refund liability if you break the contract within those seven years. During the basic training period, you have the rank of seamen and the position of a junior crewmember. After completing the training you will be situated on a base with the rank Able seamen. You will be working on a Metal Shark or Cutter.

This is what your career at the Coastguard will look like:
Year 1:You will follow the Coastguard Basic Training (BOK) that trains you to become Able seamen. Passed the exam? You will receive your BOK certificate and will be sworn in as an Enforcer.
Year 2: After gaining your BOK you will get a temporary contract of six years. During this time you can develop yourself within the Coastguard. Before the fifth year is complete, the Coastguard will make a selection of the candidates that will follow the Basic Police Training (BPO).
Year 6 en 7: Have you been selected? You will get Basic Police Training to become an elementary police officer at MBO 3 level. Did you not pass? You will not get a new contract, you can appeal to a bridging benefit, and professional training.


Your temporary contract starts with these terms of employment:

1. Gross monthly salary Coastguard scale 1 step 1 in the first year.
2. Registration retirement fund and pension accrual.
3. Health insurance.
4. Holiday pay.
5. Secondary terms like workwear, costs, and housing during the training, periodical right family visits for aspirants from Aruba en Sint Maarten.




For admission to the Coast Guard Basic Training (BOK), you must meet these requirements:

  • You have completed a MAVO, LTS-T, VSBO-TKL, EPB-doorstroom, EPI or equivalent training.
  • You have Dutch nationality and are registered on Aruba, Curaçao, Bonaire, Saba, Sint Eustatius or Sint Maarten.
  • You have no criminal record.
  • You speak, read and write Dutch well.
  • You are in good physical condition.
  • You can swim well.
  • You do not wear glasses or contact lenses.
  • At the start of the training you are between 18 and 25 years old.


To work as a coastguard you need to be fit. That is why you do a sports test, where you show that you can handle these parts:




Enthusiastic? Then sign up for the Coast Guard Basic Training:

1. Download the registration form and fill it in.
2. Send the correctly completed form to

What happens if you are selected? We invite you to the sports test and team exercises. If you have done this correctly, you will be given a psychological test and a selection interview with the management of the support center for which you are applying. We will also visit you at home, you will undergo a medical examination and a security screening to ensure that you do not have a criminal record. If everything is in order, you have taken the first step towards a career as a coastguard!